Seventeen etiquette points to consider before you make that hospital visit. By following
these points, your visit with a hospital patient should be happier.
Do not wear perfume. Perfume can even gag healthy people.
Leave the gum at home. No one likes to listen to people chew and smack gum.
Always check with the nurse before you bring a food present. Check even if the
patient asks you to pop out for a certain food. It might be detriment to the
patient's condition.
If you do take a gift of food, please, do not eat any of it. Remember it's for
the patient. And of course don't eat the patient's food, either from his tray
or from the gifts others have left.
When you greet the patient, take his hand gently. Never hug. Most people when
they are sick do not like to be touched, especially if they have had surgery.
Be polite and stand if there are not enough chairs. You're only going to be
there a short time.
Never, sit on the bed; it cramps the patient.
Talk audibly, not too softly or loudly. Increase your volume if you find the patient
cannot hear you. Sometimes, when people are sick, their minds are a bit fuzzy
from pills and pain.
Only stay a few minutes. The point of your visit is to wish the patient well.
If you are going to send or take flowers check to make sure the patient is not
allergic to them.
You might want to take a vase along with the flowers, since most hospitals are
short on these items. And please arrange the flowers with water. The nurses do
not have time.
Make sure that your gift suits the patient. If he's just had eye surgery then
he won't be able to read a book.
Only talk about happy situations not about bad news. Never talk about your past
illnesses or operations.
If there are relatives there, say a quick hello, leave your gift and wish the
patient a speedy recovery; but, do remember to say how nice it was to meet the
relatives before you leave. The relatives will want quality time and privacy
with their patient. Sometimes they come from quite a distance.
If either the nurse or doctor have to do something, be polite and leave the
room while they are attending the patient.
If the patient wants to go for a walk with you or out of the hospital, check
with the nurse first. If you take the patient out of the hospital, let the
nurse know . Some hospitals have a sign out/in form.
Above all, remember that patients are in the hospital because they are sick. So
just use your common sense, smile and be positive during the visit. If you
become angry or upset, just excuse yourself until you can regain your emotions.
Never express negative feelings while you are in the patient's room. Be aware
that conversations in the hall can be overheard, as well. The whole point of
visiting patients in the hospital is to cheer them up.
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